

Last Sunday was a great day.

Or, to be honest, an awesome day for me.

It all started from this.

Sabtu siang, gue membaca tweet ini di kolom Interaction. Setelah mengurus semua registrasi via DM, gue kembali berlarian di alam mimpi setelah malam sebelumnya dihabiskan untuk gentleman's talk bersama Rovellers.

10 hours before premiere, I scrolled down the Gramedia's tweets only to find it's the invitation for 2 person. How STUPID I am.

Oke, berusaha tenang, gue mulai mengalihkan perhatian ke komputer, meng-klik icon LINE, lalu membuka 3 window group chat dan beberapa window personal chat secara simultan. Yah, siapa tau ada yang mau gue ajak ke acara ini.

None of them responded positively.

Ya iya lah, siapa yang mau menerima ajakan untuk ke sebuah movie premiere di jam 11 malam?

Semesta sepertinya sedang berkonspirasi kali ini. Jam 1 malam, masih belum ada respon yang menggembirakan. Gue berpikir, "Oke, mendingan tidur deh. Paling besok jalan sendirian juga."

3 jam sebelum premiere, gue masih belum mendapat orang yang mau menggunakan undangan kedua gue.

*now playing - Symphony #5 milik Beethoven untuk menambah efek ketegangan*

And then, that crazy idea crossed my mind. I made my last-minute decision. I decided to invite my high school friend that I recently contacted through the direct message - she's a girl. She eventually said, "Yes, I'm in." And the rest, is history.

(Bingo, achievement unlocked)


I still can't believed what I just did that day. Percaya atau tidak, seumur hidup gue belum pernah mengajak seorang wanita untuk nonton film, hanya berdua - even with my ex-girlfriend.

And yes, I finally have enough balls and courage to break that personal record.

Later that day, I think about it, all night long. I did realized, it wasn't a pure coincidence.

It was like, God gave me a scenario to play, but I didn't know that I'm on it. We played scene-by-scene and the aftermath is what happened on that Sunday. My biggest question until now is why the hell I choose her? I have a lot of female friend to choose in my Address Book, but why the arrow stopped at her?

And now, I am feeling a strange, weird feeling.

Yes, that feeling.


"Kebetulan itu sebenarnya skenario yang telah disiapkan, tanpa diketahui oleh siapapun." - BINGO!

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