

As we go on, we remember all the times we had together. And as our lives change come whatever, we will still be friends forever. (DNS)

Love you guys, Rovellers! Thanks for everything! :))



Morning after
Still lingers
Just waking up
I see a shadow of you
Making breakfast for two
I go driving
Past our place and
I see this girl walk by
I smell her perfume
For a moment I wish it was you


The Wars (One of Our's Freaky Stories)

   We made this just for fun. Maybe you can take a laugh from this. :D

Long time ago, they were live some village in China. The village had a leader named Liu Chen. Liu Chen had arch enemy named Tokoguwa. Tokoguwa came form far away land to conquer the land which led by Liu Chen. Tokuguwa had a great warrior called Hanzo Hattori. He was a ninja from Iga, the best one. But Liu Chen also had 3 great warriors named A Cheng, A Chung, and Chung Gai.


Experience? Priceless.........

Hi, readers....

    Kali ini gue mau posting tentang pengalaman. Ya, pengalaman memang terbukti mahalnya, seperti yang gue alamin di paruh kedua tahun 2011 kemarin.

    Di tahun itu, gue dapet kesempatan buat ngewakilin sekolah gue di ajang LKS. FYI, bagi seorang siswa SMK, LKS itu bisa dibilang ajang paling prestisius. Karena, hasil LKS sendiri bisa mempengaruhi reputasi sekolah dan jurusan gue lumayan besar. Buat step pertama, gue masuk di tingkat Jakarta Pusat dulu. Lawan gue semuanya sekolah swasta, karena yang negeri cuma sekolah gue. Antara lain, ada St. Theresia, Paramitha, Jayawisata, dll. And yang langganan juara adalah St. Theresia. Di tahap ini gue belum kena gangguan yang berarti. Sekolah gue masih normal, walau gue harus agak telat pulang buat latihan. Itu berlangsung sekitar 2 minggu. Jalannya lomba juga lancar, ya meski agak nervous deh... Hehehehe